Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing 'Fifteen' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Managing 'Fifteen' - Essay Example Seeking to intentionally form one is, therefore, an important part of leading an organisation (Ansoff 1965). It is also important to plan it carefully as implementing a business culture in a haphazard manner can have a detrimental effect on the long term practicability of the business venture (Prasad 2012). Corporate culture defines the joint behaviours or conduct of a company, their feelings regarding all the divisions of the company, like consumers, colleagues, and shareholders, and the general values the co-workers all practice on a regular basis (Morgan 1997). Decisiveness, empowerment, and team work are some of the qualities that show the presence of strong working culture in businesses (Perrow 1986). The culture actually grows to be the true motivator for outstanding performances, and generates a competitive advantage that other corporations will find it quite difficult to imitate (Stoner & Freemen 1995). The Essential Nature of Managerial Work, and the Role of Leader Managemen t is a common quality in that it is a familiar component in all businesses. Managers carry out more or less identical operations regardless of their standing or the type of business in question (Luthans 2006). Management aims at realising corporate objectives and purposes (Maslow 1954). Management basically involves overseeing people who are arranged in work groups. It also incorporates retaining, motivating, and developing employees in their workplaces, and assisting them to realise satisfaction in their capacities as employees (Robbins 2002). All such interpersonal associations make the ‘management’ functions a social development. Leaders in the present world have to play numerous roles while seeking to advocate for only one key vision (Allen 1958). All the stakeholders of a business, from its workers to its consumers, look to the leader to speak of where he or she sees the future of the company as being, and then give details about how this dream can be implemented ( Weihrich & Kootz 1990). One of the most important aspects of leadership is providing inspiring leadership that is not based on following the rivals, who may have a bigger reputation (Ivancevish & Matleson 2007). The Different Roles Played By Jamie Oliver as A Manager in ‘Fifteen’ Using Mintzberg’s Classification Henry Mintzberg defined particular managerial functions that were a common theme in most businesses (Hersey & Blanchard 1988). He felt that a manager should be able to appreciate all of his or her functions, as well as how to execute them efficiently (Mintzberg 1992). Jamie Oliver shows in ‘Fifteen’ the different traits that were proposed by Mintzberg in his model. Figure head:Â  Jamie Oliver invested a considerable amount of capital in the creation of the restaurant called ‘Fifteen’. He was already a recognised chef and so he had a lot of goodwill, which would auger well for his new business enterprise. Leader: As a leader, Jam ie inspired his employees and inspired them to develop their different talents. He not only motivated the students, but sought to speak to them about their personal problems. He visited the homes of students and also evaluated their level of commitment by giving them tough tests. Liaison: Jamie Oliver was strongly involved in his community in various aspects. He was a well known campaigner for better

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